Resist Donald Trump’s Proposed Cuts to Food Stamps (SNAP)!

Yesterday we were informed that POTUS (Trump, 45, Mr. Small Hands) has decided to pay for his tax-cuts for the rich by totally eviscerating the social safety net including, but not limited to, food stamps (SNAP Benefits). Luckily, Presidential budgets are almost always DOA. However, since Paul Ryan and the House Republicans have wanted to… Continue reading Resist Donald Trump’s Proposed Cuts to Food Stamps (SNAP)!

President Trump, Please Stop Attacking The First Amendment of the Constitution That You Swore To Protect

Today at the CPAC convention the President of the United States made the following (outrageous) claim: “Nobody loves it [the First Amendment] better than me.” Unfortunately, when President Trump uses this kind of language, it is almost always followed by a bunch of statements antithetical to the protection of whatever he just claimed to love… Continue reading President Trump, Please Stop Attacking The First Amendment of the Constitution That You Swore To Protect

Speaker Ryan + POTUS Have Strange Response to The Drug Problem (Again)

About a week ago Speaker Ryan talked about the importance of the border in preventing Heroin from entering the United States and today the President spoke, in his inaugural address, about inner-cities infected with the scourge of drugs. Both statements misunderstand the Drug Problem in out country at a fundamental level. Speaker Ryan, with due… Continue reading Speaker Ryan + POTUS Have Strange Response to The Drug Problem (Again)